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Children’s Workshops

I adore guiding children to find their own unique way of creating. As Picasso said, ‘all children are artists. The problem is how to remain once we grow up.’

Children naturally create and express, and as they grow up the world teaches them to do things a certain way, to fit inside a box in order to get good grades and fit in. But all this does is confuse and stunt the natural flow of energy.

My mission is to provide a space where that creative energy can continue to flow, avoiding the trap of societal conditioning & expectations, remaining pure and gorgeously unique. By encouraging this, your child will grow into an adult with a strong sense of who they are, and the belief that how they express themselves is perfect, unique and valid.

Their trust in the process of life will mean they flourish and blossom into whoever they were put on this earth to become. This is the antidote to a standardised and oversubscribed school system.